COVID-19 Safety Concept 2022

For all our events (Banbury Tales, Il Padrino, La Madrina Run 1) 1G plus applies without exception until further notice. This means that only participants who have been fully vaccinated (including booster after five months) and pre-tested are admitted. Unvaccinated persons are not admitted.

The “plus” stands for either a PCR test or three rapid antigen tests that participants must undergo. Please make sure that rapid antigen tests are reflecting the current state of the art. Individuals with cold symptoms or worsening of usual symptoms must provide a negative PCR test (no more than 48 hours old). All are to be performed by trained personnel, if possible. Results must be sent to on a daily basis.

  • The PCR test must be performed two days before the larp. For example, if an event starts on the 15th, the test should be performed on the 13th.
  • The three rapid antigen tests are to be performed one day before the event. For example, if an event starts on the 15th, the tests should be performed on the 10th, 12th and 14th.

In addition, we test all participants with a rapid antigen test upon arrival on site.

Dealing with test results

  1. If your PCR test is positive, you will not be able to participate.
  2. If one of the rapid antigen tests is positive in advance, you can have a PCR test done. If the test result is not available in time, you will not be able to participate.
  3. If the rapid antigen test is positive on site, you unfortunately cannot participate OR you consider whether you want to risk having a PCR test done in the next town and spending the first night somewhere else until the result is available.

The consequences 1.-3. also apply to all those with whom you live or whom you have traveled with. Exception: If you share a ride with other participants starting from the nearest train station, the ride does not last longer than 30 minutes and all passengers wear a FFP2 mask during the ride, consequences 1.-3. only apply to the person tested positive.

We cannot refund your participation fee in case of a positive test result. To avoid that you get infected before the larp and cannot participate, we recommend working from home if possible starting 14 days before the larp, limiting social contacts to the most necessary, and wearing a mask when you are among other people (at work or in your free time) even if it is no longer mandatory.

Dealing with symptoms during the game

If someone develops symptoms during their stay, we will test the affected person daily. If they test positive, we will consider continuing the game with masks. The positive person meanwhile will be isolated until they are able to depart.