The traits listed represent the external perception of the character. Mark hidden hashtags to reveal secret game content (⚠ Spoilers).
Famiglia La Rosa
Cosca Conti
Bel Sito-Clan
Female Characters
Male Characters
Padrino Gaetano La Rosa (50), Capofamiglia
„We are only as strong as we are united.“
Intelligent, just, powerful
⚠ Played by organizer
Eleonora La Rosa (49), the Padrino's wife (la Madrina)
„Behind every powerful man is a smart and strong woman.“
Thoughtful, righteous, venerable
#ambition #head of the family #matchmaking #intrigue #betrayal
Paolo La Rosa (24), the Padrino's son
„Attack is the best defense.“
Competent, hardworking, clever
#ambition #head of family #politics #single #gambling addiction
Nino La Rosa (22), the Padrino's son
„A man is not fully dressed without a beard.“
Impulsive, hot-headed, stylish
#ambition #homosexuality #single #sexism
Giulia La Rosa (18), the Padrino's daughter
„Dear God, please protect my sister and my mother and my father and my aunt and my brothers and the my whole family in general. Please make people have enough to eat again soon and everyone be less mean to each other!“
Naive, sweet, imaginative
#love #obliviousness #single
Laura La Rosa (16), the Padrino's daughter
„Moths are the dumbest animals in the world, for they swarm around the light.“
„Those who unlearn self-interest over blind loyalty will never find true allies.“
Attentive, polite, courteous
#staff #intrigue #off-game tasks #betrayal
Dottor Giovanni Padano (38), friend and personal physician of the Famiglia La Rosa
„There is no greater power than love. It drives and guides us even beyond death.“
Determined, reflective, trustworthy
#homophobia #single
Monsignore Innocenzo Russo (40), priest of the local Catholic community
„We do not feel the true greatness and love of the Lord most in places where we abstain, but rather where our own desires and passions confront us with the limits of what can be experienced.“